“Mikurab = ምኩራብ”. Welcome to the third Sunday of the Lent, MIKURAB (literally -TEMPLE)”.It is named so because the day is meant to serve as a remembrance of the Lord’s teachings and acts in the temple. Thus, scriptures read and/or sung as of the eve of the day have to do with this. The name is
“Kidist -ቅድስት” The Second week of Lent: “Kidist=ቅድስት”. Kidist means holy. It tells the holiness of Sunday. Misbak of the Day But the Lord made the Heavens, Honor and Majesty are before Him, Holiness and Strength are in His sanctuary. Psalm. 96:5-6 The second Sunday of the Great lent is Called KIDIST to mean HOLY . This is
Great Lent: The Holy Fast. The FIRST WEEK/“Zewerede=ዘወረደ” (“Zewerede” means the one who descended from above)/ Museni/ Fast of King Heraclius”) Great Lent is considered as the Holiest fast since our Lord Jesus Christ Himself had fasted it. Our Lord’s call to the apostles “to follow Me” was intended to mean [including ourselves] “to take
Why Do We Love/Venerate St. Mary
Why Do We Love/Venerate St. Mary In Tewahdo Orthodox Church? “We exalt you, the Mother of true light. We glorify you, O saint, the Theotokos, for you have brought forth unto us the Savior of the whole world; He came and saved our souls” In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy
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Filseta – The fast of the Assumption of St. Mary “I will make Your name to be remembered in all generations; Therefore the people shall praise You forever and ever” Psalm 45:17 In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit One God Amen “Arise, O Lord, into thy rest; thou, and
Means for our Salvation
St. Mary is means for our Salvation [ምክንያተ ድሂን], the gate of salvation [ኣንቀጸ ኣድኅኖ] ,the gate of light [ኣንቀጸ ብርሃን] and door of light [ኆኅተ ብርሃን] Share In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit One God Amen “O Mary for this we love and we exalt you because you did bear
Means for our Salvation Read More »